The fundamental principle of the company «S.KYZIRIDIS SA»is the creation of a relationship of trust with its customers. The Vision of the company is to be synonymous with high quality Services and Products, being the first choice of the customer and at the same time the recognition of its sensitivity towards the issues of the Environment.
The activities «S.KYZIRIDIS SA», which are included in the scope (purpose) of the Quality Management System, Environment are:
- Marketing of excavators and spare parts for excavators.
- Technical support, reconstruction and repair of excavators.
Our STRATEGY consists in ensuring, organizing and continuously optimizing our services in order to provide customized and effective solutions for our customers with respect to the Environment, through:
- The development and implementation of an ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
- Ensuring the most modern and technologically sound methods for the provision of our services.
- The constant and continuous upgrading of our know-how and the quality of our equipment.
- The confidentiality and security of the data we manage.
- Striving to minimise the environmental footprint of our processes including suppliers, subcontractors, customers and visitors to our facilities.
- Our commitment to provide all resources necessary to maintain and continuously improve our Total Quality System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
Following our strategy we are committed to:
- To the continuous increase of the degree of satisfaction of our customers' requirements.
- To the improvement of productivity and competitiveness.
- To the continuous and specialized training of our employees.
- Continuous improvement of the efficiency of the Quality, Environment and Quality System processes.
- in the continuous improvement of its environmental performance.
- The prevention and reduction of pollution from the activities of the company and its partners - suppliers.
- Compliance with the applicable requirements such as: environmental requirements, quality requirements resulting from the national and European legislative and regulatory framework.
- The identification of environmental parameters and identification of risks related to its activities and the development of procedures and programmes aimed at the continuous improvement of its environmental performance, environmental protection, pollution prevention and prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
In particular, the company's environmental policy focuses on:
- Management of solid waste generated, giving priority to its separate collection and recycling.
- Energy saving by developing a system for monitoring the consumption of natural resources
- Continuous information and training of top management and staff on environmental issues.
This Quality and Environmental Management Policy of the company is published, communicated, implemented, reviewed periodically and supported by every employee of the company.
For Management
S. Kyziridis